Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DC Comics Solicitations for January 2012

The New Year begins with continuing the storylines of 52 set in September. Nearly half of the New 52 releases seem worthy to continue collecting. The New 52 titles have been slowly reduced as these stories get further into their story arcs. The strongest solicits are the ones built on years of stories: Green Lantern. 

Justice League Group Solicits
Writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee continue the slow burn of the Justice League as they face off against Darkseid. Johns also brings the King of Atlantis to the forefront with Aquaman as he is left for dead in the middle of a desert. Johns previous title The Flash is in good hands with Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Former 100 Bullets writer Brian Azzarello brings his new interpretation of Woman Woman. 

Superman Group Solicits
Andy Kubert draws his two issue stint on Action Comics giving Rags Morales a breather. Scott Lobdell continues the new origins of Superboy as well as Teen Titans. George Perez is ending his short reign on Superman while Dan Jurgens and Keith Giffen take over the next arc. Peter Milligan unites Vertigo characters to take on the supernatural in Justice League Dark. 

Batman Group Solicits
Scott Snyder built Gates of Gotham story to bring the character of Gotham to life and continues to do so in Batman with his artist Greg Capullo. Tony Daniel continues his work on Detective Comics following the shocking final page on his first issue. Paul Jenkins assists David Finch on Batman: The Dark Knight while Judd Winick continues the African Batman in Batwing. Batwoman finishes its first arc with Hydrology while Scott Lobdell tackles the Red Hood and the Outlaws with artist Kenneth Rocafort. 

Green Lantern Group Solicits
The Green Lantern titles are the strongest of the DC solicitations as they are built on the previous stories written by Geoff Johns when he first started Green Lantern: Rebirth in 2004. Green Lantern takes place following War of the Green Lanterns with Sinestro returning as a Green Lantern. Green Lantern Corps continues the mythology of the oldest patrol force in the universe. Both Green Lantern: New Guardians and the Red Lanterns take advantage of the stories built between the Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night. 

DC Universe Group Solicits
Nick Spencer (Infinite Vacation, Morning Glories) continues his stint within the DC Universe with T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents.Paul Levitz retells the origin of the Legion of Super-Heroes in Legion: Secret Origin. 

Wildstorm Group Solicits
Both Stormwatch and Voodoo will be under the Wildstorm Group Solicits since they have been under that banner for over 20 years. Stormwatch introduces the cast with Martian Manhunter and final tells the story of the horn on the final page within the January Solicitations. Ron Marz brings his talented writing from Top Cow’s Witchblade to Wildstorm’s Voodoo.

Vertigo Group Solicits
Regardless of the New 52 relaunch, titles that were reserved under the Vertigo banner for the past 20 years will continue under Vertigo Group Solicits. Writer Bill Willingham’s Fables will always be a classic Vertigo title. Echoes writer Joshua Hale Fialkov continues I, Vampire as they take on the Dark Knight. Scott Snyder brings us the new adventures of Swamp Thing promising Alan Moore level stories while Jeff Lemire takes us on the Grant Morrison journey within Animal Man. 

Action Comics #5
Animal Man #5
Batwing #5
Detective Comics #5
Red Lanterns #5
Stormwatch #5
Swamp Thing #5

Batwoman #5
Green Lantern #5
Superboy #5

Batman #5
Green Lantern Corps #5
Justice League #5
Red Hood and The Outlaws #5
T.H.U.N.D.E.R.Agents #3
Wonder Woman #5
Fables #113

Aquaman #5
Batman:The Dark Knight #5
The Flash #5
Green Lantern: New Guardians #5
I, Vampire #5
Justice League Dark #5
Legion:Secret Origin #4
Superman #5
Teen Titans #5
Voodoo #5