Friday, January 25, 2013

TV Review: The Last Resort [2012-2013]

THE LAST RESORT [2012-2013]
Wounded Navy Seals are rescued off the Indian Ocean after an incident in Pakistan. In the United States the President is facing impeachment. A firing ordered is issued and confirmed from an unknown source in Antarctica. However the main one in DC is not taken out so they investigate leading to the U.S.S. Colorado to be targeted by US Forces. The standoff leads to a takeover of an island with a 200-mile No Man’s Land.

01 – Chaplin disobeys orders and launches a nuke at the United States
02 – A Russian invasion force is sent to the island
03 – Local forces on the island kill a soldier
04 – A crewman holds Colorado hostage with a grenade
05 – Chaplin and Kendall deal with the Secretary of Defense on the island
06 – A chemical attack is unleashed on the island and the firing key is missing
07 – Prosser deal with the local drug cartel on the island and deals with the consequences
08 – A crewman is charged for raping a native on the island and a trial commences
09 – A boat carrying spouses and family members of the island is held hostage of terrorists
10 – Kendall rescues his wife who is kidnapped by unknown forces
11 – Chaplin tries to get Chinese supplies while an order is given for the spy to kill him
12 – Chaplin prepares for a mutiny onboard their ship
13 – Finale: The USS Colorado along with Chaplin are destroyed and the crew returns home