Thursday, February 10, 2011

PunisherMax #10 [2011] by Jason Aaron & Steve Dillion

The Kingpin who survived his own assassination attempt by his wife Vanessa after the death of their son has now hired Bullseye to assassinate Frank Castle. During the course of tracking Frank, Bullseye along with a dirty cop kills Franks’ old army buddy which results in Frank killing the dirty cop. Now the NYPD are after Frank raiding his safe houses and arsenal for the death of a police detective
Bullseye debates on what makes Frank tick so he can kill him by reviewing when the Punisher was born either in Vietnam or Central Park. Meanwhile Frank takes the direct route towards Fisk Enterprises to eliminate the Kingpin. The last issue of PunisherMax was released on July 28, 2010 due to Steve Dillon working on both the Ultimate Avengers 3 with Mark Millar and this series simultaneously. Now after the conclusion of the Ultimate Avengers 3 Dillon is back drawing the Punisher. Jason Aaron doesn’t miss a beat as he builds the issue towards the conclusion next month.