Friday, December 21, 2018

Devil Comics Review | Titans [2018] Season 1

We are introduced to Raven who receives visions of Dick Grayson as a child losing his parents. Dick Grayson has moved to Detroit to do things his way as Robin instead of following the footsteps of Batman. Kory Anders AKA Starfire wakes up in Austria and finds a photo of Raven. Grayson takes Raven to Hawk and Dove however they are ambushed by the Nuclear Family who pushes Dove off the roof and take Raven. Starfire tracks down the Nuclear Family and rescues Raven. She takes Raven to a church who confides her to her room until she escapes. She meets Beast Boy who takes her to meet the Doom Patrol. Meanwhile both Dick Grayson and Kory are tracking Raven down. They find her and Beast Boy and leave the Doom Patrol behind. 

Now the Titans take down the new Nuclear Family and Dick Grayson finds the person responsible however falls for a trap. Overwhelmed and about to fall, Dick is saved by the new Robin. Together they take on Anthony Zucco's son who wants revenge on Grayson for letting his father get killed. Raven is reunited with her father Trigon and Dick Grayson submits to the darkness within in. In Metropolis Subject 13 escapes who happens to be a clone of Superman Conner and frees Krypto.