Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Devil Comics Review | Spider-Geddon [2018]

Spider-Geddon #0 introduced us the Playstation 4 Spider-Man teaming up with the Superior Spider-Man. We also discover how the Inheritors from Spider-Verse are going to escape their prison by using the same spider-bots that was used to spy on them. This week in Superior Octopus we discover the Inheritors are using a cloning device to escape their prison using the spider-bots as a transmitter between dimensions. The story continues in Spider-Geddon #1 however this week’s Superior Octopus issue seems unnecessary and could have been told in the main Spider-Geddon series rather than a separate one shot.  The Inheritors have escaped using the cloning tubes set up by the Superior Octopus resulting in the death of Spider-Man Noir and Spider-UK. They have set their sights on making this Earth-616 their new homeworld and resurrect their father Solus.

Superior Octopus destroys his facility leaving the Inheritors heading towards the Jackal’s cloning facility to acquire the equipment to clone themselves. Superior Octopus returns as the Superior Spider-Man and recruits others willing to kill the Inheritors as the other Spider-Men and women find recruitments to defeat them. However the Inheritors manage to revive their father Solus who plans on slaughtering the Spider-Men.

The Norman Osborn Spider-Man heads to Loomworld and destroys the Web of Life cutting off access to the other Earths. The Inheritors and the Spider-Verse heroes are stuff on the same Earth. The Superior Spider-Man sacrifices the Scarlet Spider to the Inheritors so they may know how to clone themselves in exchange for sparing Earth-616. Mile Morales has summoned the Enigma Force responsible for Captain Universe and becomes him to take down Solus. Scarlet Spider is resurrected by the Superior Spider-Man as the Peter Parker finally arrives with his Spider-Army. The return the Inheritors to their clone bodies however made them into babies without any memories so they can begin their life anew raised by May Parker.