Thursday, March 28, 2019

Devil Comics Review | Star Trek Discovery [2019] Season 2

The cliffhanger for season one ends with the USS Discovery facing the USS Enterprise. Captain Pike assumes command of the Enterprise and leads a mission to rescue a medical transport on an asteroid. Michael Burnham briefly sees a red winged angel before being saved by Captain Pike. Spock is currently at a medical facility and a new threat emerges to destroy everything. 

Now known as the Red Angel, the Discovery searches for Spock. The crew of the Discovery find out the Red Angel is a humanoid from the future wearing and enhanced armor. Michael finds her brother Spock and the two head to Talos IV (Which is the planet from 'The Cage' episode from the original Star Trek series). 

We discover the Red Angel is Michael's mother from the future attempting to circumvent a disaster created by Section 31. Discovery took the knowledge which would be used to created the disaster into the future to prevent it.