Friday, September 10, 2010

Ultimate Avengers 3 #2 [2010] by Mark Millar

Much like the Curse of the Mutants storyline running through the current Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Universe faces a similar threat with vampires planning on increasing their ranks with superheroes. The Ultimate Avengers goes after the Nerd Hulk who has been turned by a new vampire king hiding his identity within the original Iron Man armor. The fight begins under the sewers of New York City as both factions face-off. 

Mark Miller seems to be overexposed and has overstretched his writing capabilities as he focuses on his superior talents on his creator-owned projects: Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall, Nemesis, and Superior. The artwork by Steve Dillion (Preacher, PunisherMax) really takes away the intensity of the scenes compared to his previous works.

The vampire genre is becoming overexposed especially after the Twilight Saga, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and Gates TV series running throughout the our American culture. Bringing these concepts to one company within two separate universes definitely takes the imagination away as well as any impending shock value to their respected storylines.