Thursday, January 20, 2011

Superior #4 [2011] by Mark Millar & Leinil Yu

Madeline Knox finally gets the interview from Superior she wanted by driver her car into the Hudson River. Simon Pooni’s parents believer their son is kidnapped by a child molester. His best friend Chris is beaten up by a couple of thugs lead my Sharpie. Simon as Superior teaches Sharpie a lesson by taking him to the North Pole. Finally Superior offers to work for the President of the United States starting with Afghanistan. The space monkey Ormon that gave Simon his powers as Superior offers Sharpie the same by pledging his allegiance towards his dark master Satan. 

Mark Millar is slowly building his story with two issues left before Leinil Yu rejoins him again within Ultimate Avengers Vs. New Ultimates #1. Hopefully we will finally learn why Simon was given powers and the origin of the space monkey Ormon. After a slow start this series is becoming interesting to read however the finale will determine the payoff.