Thursday, March 28, 2013

Batman: Requiem TPB [2013]




The fallout of the death of Batman’s son Damian Wayne begins one month after the events of Death of the Family. Following the death of Damian, Detective Comics shows us Batman dealing with the Penguin whose criminal empire is taken over by his former assistant who is now Emperor Penguin. The issue sets up the 900 issue of Detective Comics next month which involves Man-Bats and Zsasz who was released during the events of Death of the Family by the Joker.

World’s Finest presents the daughter of Bruce Wayne of Earth 2, Helena Wayne, visit the grave of Damian just before the arrival of Batman. Batman finds a final letter from his son Damian in Batman & Robin #18. Batgirl discovers Damian died however deal with the situation at hand in Batgirl #18. Harper Row and her brother Cullen visit Blackgate Penitentiary to visit their dad. Afterwards she witness Batman pushed towards the edge after the death of Robin for a week then confronts him in Batman #18.

Catwoman steals some paintings from the Gotham Museum to draw out Batman however later returns them in Catwoman #18. After the events of Death of the Family, Batman tells Nightwing about an auction which is selling the Flying Graysons costume in Nightwing #18. After the Joker laced the Red Hood’s mask with acid, Jason Todd is recovering in Red Hood and the Outlaws #18Tim Drake who is grieving after the death of Damian created the Teen Titans to protect young super powered teenagers from harm while the adults save the world in Teen Titans #18.

This hardcover collects
Detective Comics #18
World’s Finest #10
Batman and Robin #18
Batgirl #18
Batman #18
Catwoman #18
Nightwing #18
Red Hood and the Outlaws #18