The current story arc in X-O Manowar focuses on the origin of the Armor Hunters and their motives while the main event in Armor Hunters focuses on the present chaos. The
Armor Hunters have arrived on Earth and the X-O Manowar series explores their
origins. Primary
Reebo and Malgam were both bounty hunters looking for scores until they ran
into a X-O armor and escaped. Their reputation earned them a place with the Armor
Hunters. The Armor
Hunters discover the causalities are high after they go after the X-O armors. Later
Malgam lays injured and Reebo kills the armor however allows it to infect
Malgam so he will be saved.
Armor Hunters are over and someone tries to kill Malgam so only the armor
survives. However both Aric and Capshaw save Malgam and cures him of the armor
so he controls it instead of the other way around. Capshaw makes Aric
Second-In-Command by making him an Executive Officer an X-O and she also gives
MI-6 a weapon to pierce the armor.
paperback collects
Manowar #26-29