Thursday, May 26, 2011

Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine Premiere HC [2010-2011] by Jason Aaron

Spider-Man and Wolverine find themselves thrown through time back to the prehistoric age prior to a giant asteroid heading towards Earth. The event happened after a bank robber dropped several diamonds that sent our heroes back in time. Now the giant asteroid carrying these same diamonds at the bank robbery led by the Orb transports Spider-Man and Wolverine forward through time. However inn the prehistoric past Wolverine endangered the timeline by becoming the leader of a tribe of ape-men called the Small Folk. Now the future is overrun by the Small Folk worshipping Wolverine as a messiah. Lost in the timestream both Spider-Man and Wolverine must return to their own time and find out who is behind their time-jumping problems.

Jason Aaron writes a convoluted bi-monthly tale between Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Mojo that falls flat after a year. Artist Adam Kubert has done a superb job with this series however his art could not hold up to the failed storytelling. Unless Jason Aaron assumes the writing duties of the Amazing Spider-Man, his love story between Spider-Man and Sara Bailey was pointless. Wolverine has his nemesis Dog from the past arrive in the present however he is only a human with no real threat to the mutant Wolverine. The story really seems rushed at the end as Aaron fills in all the gaps of the story very quickly as he prepares his Schism event for Marvel.

- Peter craves sculptures of a face in the past available at the museum in the present
- In the prehistoric past Wolverine found someone watching him
- The Orb has been traveling through time along with Spider-Man and Wolverine
- Spider-Man travels under the Xavier Institute discovering the Phoenix force bullet
- Doom the Living Planet arrives to cause destruction on Earth
- Wolverine uses the Phoenix Force bullet and gun to destroy Doom the Living Planet

- Spider-Man and Wolverine crosses over to one another’s personal history
- Wolverine wrestles with a teenage vision of Peter Parker before becoming Spider-Man
- Spider-Man is chased by Logan who is hunted by Dog following the events in Origin
- Czar using his timestick along with his companion B travel through the timestream
- The enemy behind everything has been filming them as entertainment: Mojo

- Spider-Man and Wolverine uses time diamonds to arrive in Mojo’s dimension
- Wolverine retrieve the timestick from Czar and travel to the origin of the time diamonds
- Spider-Man and Wolverine return to face off against the present and future Czars
- Wolverine becomes possessed by the Phoenix Force turns himself into the Dark Phoenix
- The Phoenix Force stayed with him after pulling the trigger against Doom the Living Planet

- Spider-Man talks the Dark Phoenix Wolverine as the time police Minutemen arrive
- Spider-man and Wolverine are stuck in the past during the Wild West era of America
- The Minutemen arrive to bring both Spider-Man and Wolverine back home to their own time
- Beast develops the Phoenix Gun, Doctor Doom ponders about Ego the Living Planet
– Czar is revealed to be an ordinary drug dealer with a bat
- In the present Dog finally arrives who has not been seen since 2001 Origin