Thursday, March 8, 2012

Avengers: The Children's Crusade Premiere HC [2011]

When Wiccan loses control of his powers the Avengers fear another Scarlet Witch. The Young Avengers decide to search for his mother which could be the key to Wiccan’s future and freedom. With the help of Magneto who was recently made aware of his two grandsons Wiccan and Speed, the Young Avengers transport themselves to Wundagore, Transia the place where the Scarlet Witch was raised. Shortly afterwards Quicksilver arrives and together they search for the missing Scarlet Witch.The two year series beginning in 2010 seems to be the prequel to the upcoming Avengers Vs. X-Men event in 2012. The Avengers, X-Men, Young Avengers, and the Avengers Next are all in this series giving it a large cast and a great story.  

- Wiccan and Speed meet Magneto who also wants to search for his daughter Wanda
- The Young Avengers and Magneto battle the Avengers before teleporting away
- Quicksilver attempts to murder his father Magneto however hits a Wanda Doombot
- Wiccan disguises himself as the Scarlet Witch to infiltrate Dr. Doom’s castle

- The Avengers follow Wonder Man’s energy signature to locate the missing Wanda 
- Wanda with no recollection of her past is engaged to the King of Latveria Dr. Doom 
- Both Wiccan and Wanda struggle against Wolverine before being saved by Iron Lad

- The Young Avengers escape into the timestream with the Scarlet Witch into the past
- The Young Avengers meet Scott Lang before the events of Avengers: Disassembled
- Scarlet Witch returns with both the Young Avengers and Scott Lang to the present
- Beast suggests undoing what Wanda has done and contacts X-Factor for a volunteer
- Wanda restores Rictor’s powers as the X-Men arrive 

- Cyclops and the X-Men want the Scarlet Witch brought to justice
- Captain America explains Scarlet Witch is still an Avenger and will protect her
- The X-Men and Avengers have a short battle before Scarlet Witch puts them to sleep
- Scarlet Witch teleports the Young Avengers back to Castle Doom 

- Doom was responsible for amping up Scarlet Witch’s powers to bring her children back to life
- Scarlet Witch, Wiccan, and Doctor Doom attempt to reverse M-Day
- Patriot interrupts the spell removing the altering powers of the Scarlet Witch
- The powers have now transferred into Doctor Doom who has a restored face

- The Young Avengers become the Avengers in the future along with Kang
- Iron Lad trains the Young Avengers and faces against their first villain Electro
- Electro got away and broke out super-villains at the Raft seen in New Avengers #1
- Kang convinces Iron Lad to travel back in time to save the Scarlet Witch 
- Kang and the Avengers managed to trick Iron Lad to become Kang and destroy the Avengers

- The X-Men and the Avengers discover Doom not Wanda has her mind-altering powers
- The Avengers, X-Men, and X-Factor battle Victor Von Doom
- Wiccan and the Scarlet Witch manage to defeat Doom as Cassie Lang is killed by Doom

- Iron Lad destroys Vision before retreating into the past to save Cassie
- The Young Avengers disband as the events of Spider-Island and X-Men Schism take hold
-  The Avengers announce not matter what the Young Avengers will always be Avengers

This hardcover collects
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1-9