Monday, April 2, 2012

TV Review: Game of Thrones Season 2: A Clash of Kings [2012]

Following the death of Edward Stark, war is declared as his son Robb Stark is proclaimed the King of the North as the various other factions battle for the throne. His daughter Arya is disguised as an orphan boy named Arry and makes her way with other boys towards the Wall to her bastard brother Jon Snow. The Night Watch and Jon Snow ride out in force beyond the Wall to find out what is happening with the White Walkers and find Benjen Stark.

Meanwhile Tyrion Lannister arrives in King’s Landing to become the Hand of the King as a request by his father Lord Tywin Lannister. Danenrys Targaryen inherits the long extinct dragons which were crucial in the House Targaryen’s ascent to the Iron Throne. After the death of her brother and husband, Dany leads her people to a deserted kingdom.

Summer has ended as autumn begins as Davos Seaworth who was a smuggler turned knight by servicing Lord Stannis of Dragonstone. Lord Stannis has resentment over his deceased brother the former King Robert Baratheon. Now Davos is advising Lord Stannis to join the Lord Robb Stark and Lady Arryn against Cersi and King Joffrey.

01 – King Joffrey orders all the bastard children of his Robert Baratheon killed
02 – The kings are rising to claim their thrones
03 – House of Greyjoy is planning to take Winterfell as the Nightwatch is attacked
04 – Danenrys finds a city for her people and Arya works for Lord Tywin Lannister
05 – Lord Stannis kills his younger brother Renly and Danenrys gets a proposal
06 – Theon Greyjoy takes over Winterfell and the dragons are stolen
07 – Jon Snow is captured and Jaime Lannister makes his escape
08 – Catelyn Tully lets go of Jaime Lannister and Arya makes her escape
09 – Stannis' fleet reaches King's Landing as Lord Tywin arrives
10 – King Joffrey choses another queen, Greyjoys leaves Winterfell burning, and Rob Stark marries