Thursday, October 4, 2012

Avengers Vs. X-Men Premiere HC [2012]

Following his “death” in X-Men: Second Coming, Cable returns from the future to stop the Avengers who are responsible for the death of his daughter Hope in Avengers: X-Sanction. We discover the Avengers Mansion of the future have inhibitor chairs, Iron Man armor upgraded with Sentinel tech, a Gambit’s staff with Stark tech, and Doctor Doom’s time machine. The situation gets complicated when Cable kidnaps a few Avengers as the X-Men arrive. Cable is defeated and taken back to Utopia where his daughter Hope removes the techno-virus and the revelation that Hope is the Phoenix.

The conflict between the two teams has been building for years when the daughter of Magneto Scarlet Witch lost control of her powers in Avengers: Disassembled (2004) leading to a confrontation within House of M (2005) where the mutant population was decimated. 

The X-Men faced their trials as they faced the Messiah Complex (2007), Messiah War (2009), and Second Coming (2010) leading to Generation Hope (2010). Meanwhile the Avengers faced their own issues in Civil War (2006), World War Hulk (2007), and Secret Invasion (2008) leading to Dark Reign (2009). Both teams have been slowly coming together for two years within the pages of the Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010 – 2012). Now both teams are headed towards a collusion course as the Phoenix heads towards Earth seeking a host in Avengers Vs. X-Men.

Brian Michael Bendis is one of the writers who wanted to do an organic story and found the creative outlet. The X-Men was independent during Civil War and Secret Invasion while Avengers: Disassembled evolved into the House of M, which was about 8 years ago. Readers needed to be reintroduced to various characters to catch up on what has happened. Marvel Comics created a preview issue reintroducing all the characters and events leading up to the Avengers Vs. X-Men. 



Avengers vs. X-Men #0 begins with the daughter of Magneto the Scarlet Witch taking on the villain M.O.D.O.K. as the Avengers arrive to assist her. The Avengers take the Scarlet Witch home but her ex-husband confronts her and asks her to leave. On Utopia Scott Summers confronts Hope who patrols and protects the city of San Francisco secretly at night. Hope takes on the Serpent Society until Cyclops and Emma Frost arrive on the scene.

Avengers vs. X-Men #1 begins as the Avengers discover the Phoenix Force is headed towards Earth. Captain America asks Wolverine to help deal with the threat as well as the X-Men should the need arise. Cyclops and his X-Men believe the Phoenix Force will benefit the endangered mutant population. Captain America heads toward Utopia to discuss the matter of the Phoenix Force with Cyclops. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 Colossus is sent into the air to bring the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier down while facing the Incredible Red Hulk. Namor punches the Thing out of the water then faces Luke Cage. The Avengers take the beach while the X-Men plan on driving them back to the sea.

Iron Man takes on Emma Frost however Magneto arrives as well as his son Quicksilver who punches his father. Iron Man has hacked Utopia’s defenses as both Spider-Man and Wolverine sneak under the sewers to reach Hope however she escapes knocking them both out. Meanwhile in space the Secret Avengers intercept the Phoenix $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #3
Cyclops and X-Men surrender to the Avengers however Wolverine realizes it is a ruse when Dr. Strange is replaced by the mutant Magik. The X-Men plan on using Cerebra at Logan’s school to locate Hope however she has manipulated her signature so Cerebra is reading she is in 5 different locations: Wundagore Mountain, Tabula Rasa, Wakanda, Latveria, and the Savage Land. Captain America heads towards the Savage Land with Wolverine however kicks him out mid-flight because he cannot trust him with Hope. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
Wolverine meets up with Hope in Antarctica while the X-Men hide out at an abandoned Hellfire Club safe house. Meanwhile the Secret Avengers deal with the Phoenix in space while the Avengers battle the X-Men on Earth. Wolverine takes Hope off world to the Blue Area of the Moon as the Avengers await their arrival. The X-Men transport over as Thor makes an impact on the Moon. The Phoenix has arrived. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #5
This issue marks the end of Act One as the Avengers and the X-Men battle on the moon as the Phoenix Force arrives. Iron Man prepares his ultimate weapon against the Phoenix and shatters it. Instead of fusing to Hope, the shattered Phoenix Force powers five X-Men including Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus, and Magik thus creating the Phoenix Five which heads towards Earth. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #6
The Second Act begins following Avengers Vs. X-Men #6 Infinite Comic special where Cyclops talks to dust full of Jean Grey on the Moon. The Phoenix Five have made the world better however the United States and Avengers decide something must be done. The Scarlet Witch sees the world burn. The Guardians of the K’un Lun discover a tale from 1596 where the Phoenix was repelled by the Iron Fist. The Avengers decided to invade Utopia and seize Hope however are confronted by the Cyclops and Emma Frost. The Scarlet Witch arrives and Hope and the Avengers leave peacefully. Cyclops declares “No More Avengers.” $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #7
The Phoenix Five launches their attack against the Avengers and captures key members including Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, and Luke Cage. Meanwhile both Stark and T’Challa need time to collect more data in order to stop the Phoenix Five. Dr. Strange brings the Echantments of Ikonn which will make the bearer look like the Scarlet Witch. Transonic is transported to Wakanda where she is held captive. Iron Fist tells Tony, Hope must be taken to K’un Lun where she will be prepared to accept the Phoenix. Meanwhile Emma Frost tells Namor that Transonic is held captive which leads him to declare “War!” $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #8
Namor attacks the city Wakanda while Hope is transported to the city of K’un Lun. The Avengers defend the city and use their secret weapon the Scarlet Witch to finally defeat Namor and remove the Phoenix Force within him. The other members of the Phoenix Five arrive as the Phoenix removes itself from Namor and empowers the Phoenix Four. Charles Xavier issues a warning to Scott Summers to stop his rampage or he will stop him. Meanwhile the Avengers retreat to the city of K’un Lun. $3.99


Avengers Vs. X-Men #9
The Avengers retreat to the mystical city of K’un Lun as Thor is defeated and placed into Limbo. Emma Frost is losing control of her powers and kills a civilian who killed a mutant in 1987. Black Panther annuls the marriage between him and the X-Man Storm. The Avengers heads towards the volcano to rescue their own members and are greeted by Professor X and Storm. The Avengers face off against Colossus and Magik and rescue their friends while Spider-Man faces them alone. Spider-Man tricks both Colossus and Magik to take them both out. Cyclops arrives to K’un Lun to take Hope home. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #10
The Avengers try their very best to hold back Cyclops however it is Hope who manages to pull it together and punch him to the moon. Cyclops seeks Emma to obtain her Phoenix powers as Magneto reaches out to Professor Charles Xavier. $3.99

Avengers Vs. X-Men #11
The Avengers and the X-Men assemble together with heavy hitters including the Hulk, Magneto, and Professor Xavier who stands alone against Cyclops. The Avengers and X-Men attempt to hold off the final two of the Phoenix Five until Professor Xavier can shut them down for good. Cyclops takes the final essence of the Phoenix Force away from Emma Frost and slays his once mentor Charles Xavier. Cyclops crosses the line and becomes the Dark Phoenix. $3.99                     


Avengers Vs. X-Men #12
After the death of his mentor Professor Charles Xavier, Scott Summers turns into the Dark Phoenix and causes chaos throughout the world as the combined might of the Avengers and the X-Men attempt to stop him. Nova puts him down just as Hope Summers and the Scarlet Witch team up to take him down. The Phoenix Force leaves Scott and attaches itself to Hope who uses its powers to undo the damage done by the Dark Phoenix on Earth. The Scarlet Witch tells Hope she was chosen to become the Phoenix because she has the choice to let it go.

The Phoenix Force leaves Earth and around the world mutants are born. Scott Summers is arrested for his crimes against the world. Captain America assembles a new team to take on threats against mutants alike: the Uncanny Avengers$3.99


The Avengers Vs. X-Men series have several tie-ins which explore and expand on the main event. The main Avengers title drawn by Walt Simonson shows the Kree wanting the Phoenix force for themselves while the New Avengers explores K’un L’un connection between Iron Fist and the Phoenix.  

AvX: Vs expands on the battles within Avengers Vs. X-Men where each issue contains two battles. Magneto takes on Iron Man who is made of Carbon Nanotubes and not metal while Namor battles the Thing off the shores of Utopia. Captain America takes on Gambit in the Savage Land while searching for Hope. In Latveria Spider-Man takes on Colossus who has the power of the Juggernaut. On the Blue Area of the moon, Colossus defeats the Thing while his sister Magik defeats the Black Widow.

Both Daredevil and Psylocke try to exploit each others strength and weaknesses however the short battle ends in a draw. Thor takes on Phoenix Five Emma Frost however underestimates her potential and quickly defeated. Following battling Daredevil, Psylocke attempts to aid the Angel who is locating Hawkeye. Hawkeye manages to get ahead and escapes.

Black Panther and Storm who have been married since Marvel’s Civil War are on opposite sides of the Avengers and X-Men war and finally separate.

Hope takes on the Scarlet Witch before the finale in Avengers Vs. X-Men #12. Brian Michael Bendis brings Cyclops and Captain America together for some verbal abuse as well as six other fights. Collects AvX:Vs #1-6 $3.99 each

Avengers feature the return of Walt Simonson as Captain America declares war on the X-Men. The Vision is back after the events of Avengers Disassembled however he cannot get closure after confronting Magneto about the Scarlet Witch. Noh-Varr gets a message of the Supreme Intelligence to intercept and contain the Phoenix Force. Walt Simonson draws the current version of Thor while his run in The Might Thor in the 80s is still a classic.

Captain America assembles the Secret Avengers to take on the Phoenix Force in space. He suggests to the team to settle their affairs on Earth before leaving. The Protector betrays the Secret Avengers as he is ordered to contain and bring the Phoenix back to the Kree Empire.

The Supreme Intelligence reveals the Kree Empire will be the owner and controller of the Phoenix. The Secret Avengers escape the gravity of the sun and confront the Protector. The Secret Avengers tell the Protector to never return to Earth as the Kree Empire labels him as a betrayer for assaulting the Supreme Intelligence. 

The Red Hulk takes it upon himself to assassinate Cyclops. Red Hulk sneaks onto Utopia as General Thunderbolt Ross and attempts to kill Cyclops. However he is stopped by Emma Frost who uses his own knife to kill himself before turning into the Red Hulk. Cyclops craves an ‘X’ on Red Hulk’s chest before sending him back to the Avengers.

The Avengers decide to go after the telepaths of the X-Men to gain an advantage. Both Captain America and Wolverine bring Professor X to the fight to take down Rachel Summers. However Professor X decides his dream is dead and leaves the battle after putting everyone to sleep.

While the Avengers deal with the Phoenix Five, Mr. Negative steals the Red Skull’s armory and weapons used during the events of Fear Itself from a S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse. After Spider-Woman was tipped off by Madame Hydra, she and Hawkeye take down Mr. Negative and his soldiers. Meanwhile Madame Hydra takes the real prize: Skull weapons from the Secret Invasion
Collects Avengers #24.1-30 $3.99 each

New Avengers explores the connection between Iron Fist and the Cosmic Phoenix Force revealed within the book of the dead Iron Fists. The Guardians of the K’un Lun holds the secrets of the Phoenix and tells the tale where an Iron Fist was the vessel for the Phoenix. A messenger asks Leonardo Da Vinci of Shield to help bring their prophecy to a natural conclusion. The new Iron Fist is trained and ready to face the approaching Phoenix Force.  

The Phoenix takes Fongji as the avatar and she leaves Earth. Iron Fist tells the story to Hope before she is trained. She discovers Spider-Man must train her and she learns that great powers comes great responsibility.

Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, and Luke Cage are captured by the Phoenix Five and taken to Utopia. They attempt to make their escape however discover it is a virtual world run by their warden Danger.

Captain America remembers the time when Namor were part of the Invaders. Captain America calls the Illuminati who express their issues concerning the Phoenix Five. The other members of the Illuminati leave as Namor arrives and they realize the past war of World War II was better.

The New Avengers transport Emma Frost to prison following the events of Avengers Vs. X-Men #11. They are soon attacked by mutant purifiers which they successfully defend off however Luke Cage chooses his family over the New Avengers and quits the team. Collects New Avengers #24-30 $3.99 each

Secret Avengers brings Thor taking a group of Avengers to stop the Phoenix Force. After failing to the Phoenix Force, the Secret Avengers heads to the planet Hala which is the home of the Kree Empire. Meanwhile The Kree has managed to resurrect Captain Marvel through the Phoenix Force so he could unite the Kree along both the Protector and Ms. Marvel. Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and the Protector imprison the Avengers on Hala and await the arrival of the Phoenix. The Kree people realize all hope is lost as the Phoenix approaches Hala. Captain Marvel who was resurrected by the Phoenix Force gives up his powers to save Hala. Collects Secret Avengers #26-28 $3.99 each

Avengers Academy sees the Utopia and Generation Hope teens are taken into protective custody at facility including Sebastian Shaw. After 8 hours of beating his head with books, Shaw manages to escape his cell and takes on both Hercules and Tigra. The Avengers Academy kids deal with the Generation Hope teens until Shaw arrives to free them. Tigra allows a fake fight between the Avengers Academy and the Generation Hope teens on the account there are cameras on the grounds. The Jean Grey School students along with the Generation Hope kids leave Avengers Academy.

The Avengers Academy Sentinel takes on the Emma Frost of the Phoenix Five. Just as Emma is about to destroy the Sentinel, X-23 comes to the rescue and assembles the Avengers Academy cadets. The Avengers Academy cadets fail to stop Emma from destroying the Sentinel which changes its Prime Directive to protect its friend Juston. Emma also destroys the Sentinel’s central processing unit however Quicksilver arrived to switch it with a training robot. The Avengers Academy rebuilds the Sentinel while Hank Pym announced in the wake of the war between the Avengers and the X-Men, no more Avengers AcademyCollects Avengers Academy #29-33 $2.99 each

Uncanny X-Men presents Cyclops preparing his battle against the X-Men while Colossus takes on the Red Hulk. Hope told Wolverine when things get bad then he could kill her. Cyclops activates the Avengers Protocols which is a press release of a letter to humanity offering their point of view of the Avengers kidnapping Hope.

Luke Cage, the Thing, and She-Hulk crash land on Tabula Rasa while Namor, Sunspot, and Hepzibah are transported there by Magik. The species living within Tabula Rasa believe the Avengers and the X-Men are conducting a mating ritual.

The Avengers and the X-Men face off on the moon as the Generation Hope kids confront with the imprisoned Unit entity. Unit explains the Phoenix was pushed when Wanda said “No More Mutants” and now the Phoenix is pushing back. The Unit distracts the Generation Hope kids long enough to make his escape with his jailer Danger. The five X-Men on the moon are transformed into the Phoenix Five.

Mr. Sinister has become his own race of clones however one of his clones has managed free will. Living under the Moloid caverns, the real Mr. Sinister used the rebel clone to test the system and later feeds him to an army of Sabretooths. Mr. Sinister is ready for Cyclops with an army of clone X-Men and his final surprise of Jean Grey clones: the Madelyne Pryors.

The Phoenix Five locate and attack Sinister who has been ready for their impending attack. Sinister unleashes the Krakoa clone carved from his castle. Colossus takes on the Krakoa however Sinister unleashes the Gambit clones which explode on impact. Sinister takes out the Phoenix Five as Magneto, Storm, Psylocke, and Danger arrive on the scene.

Emma Frost calls on the power of the Phoenix to stop Mr. Sinister and frees the Phoenix Five. Their combined might destroys Sinister and his clones by burning them.

Emma Frost and Scott Summers have a dinner in their minds as the final battle between them and the Avengers rages on. Scott takes the Phoenix power away from Emma to obtain the full power of the Phoenix.

Scott Summers is imprisoned after the events of being taken possession by the Dark Phoenix. Beast reveals to him that new mutants are born and are hated more than ever because of Scott Summers. Afterwards Sinister visits Scott after taking the form of his P.R agent and taunts him that he is the only one who could stop him. Magik frees her brother Colossus from Cyttorak while Danger releases everyone from the X-Brig on Utopia. Collects Uncanny X-Men #11-20 $3.99 each

Wolverine & the X-Men decide which side of the battle he will join while Lord Gladiator of the Shi’ar Throneworld activates the Phoenix Protocols and prepares to rescue his son Kid Gladiator. The Phoenix Protocols are a team of Black Ops Squad called the Death Commandos sent to kill Hope. Cyclops arrives at the Jean School to speak with Logan and influences other X-Men to join his side.

Wolverine and Hope deal with the Shi’ar Death Commandos before heading to the moon. Wolverine informs the Avengers Hope would be on the moon. Meanwhile Lord Gladiator arrives to the Jean Grey School searching for his son Kid Gladiator.  

Rachel Summers tracks Hope and the Avengers to Indonesia where a fight ensues between the X-Men and the Avengers. Rachel finally tracks down Hope after knocking out the Black Widow. She lets Hope go so she can find her destiny as the Shi’ar Emperor Gladiator arrives for his son Kid Gladiator. The Phoenix Five defeat the Emperor and Warbird carries him back to his ship.

Colossus plans to propose to Kitty Pryde on their date however Kitty wants to resolve some issues regarding the Avengers. Colossus attempts to destroy the school but realizes he has lost control and leaves. Rachel Summers, Iceman, and Angel realize they are on the wrong side of the battle.

Angel becomes the first graduate of the Jean Grey School, Kid Gladiator leaves with his father, while Gladiator releases Warbird from his service.

The Hellfire Club shows its members various models of Sentinels including a collapsible suitcase Sentinel, an all-terrain vehicle model, nanobot Sentinels, etc. The Hellfire Club sells the Sentinels before the Phoenix Five arrives to destroy them. Scott Summers sends Kade Kilgore and his Hellfire Club tweens to Rykers Island as his origin is told. Later the Hellfire Club escapes and heads towards the Jean Grey School.

The purpose of Doop at the Jean Grey School is revealed. The Dark Phoenix arrives and is defeated at the cost of Charles Xavier as the Hellfire Club plans their attack on the Jean Grey School. New mutants have arrived following the House of M as two mutants fall including Charles Xavier and Broo by the hands of the Hellfire Club. Collects Wolverine & the X-Men #9-18 $3.99 each

X-Men Legacy tie-in shows the Jean Grey School face the Falcon, Moon Knight and She-Hulk who are preparing to secure the school to make sure no more teachers joins the fight. A fight ensures between Moon Knight and Frenzy, while She-Hulk defends herself from the students. Rogue stands up against these Avengers but Falcon activates the emergency protocols releasing an A.I. Iron Man. The X-Men take down the Avengers and send them home while deciding not to stay neutral in the war between the Avengers and the X-Men.

The Phoenix Five is ending war around the world while Frenzy takes out the rebels looking to rearm themselves. Ms. Marvel and Rogue have a confrontation before they briefly discuss the Phoenix Five. However the fight is short-lived as Rogue uses the powers of Iceman to stop Ms. Marvel. Magik arrives and imprisons Ms. Marvel in Limbo.

Rogue attempts to rescue Ms. Marvel which Magik rejects and sends Ms. Marvel back to Limbo while Rogue fights a war between two races in an alternative dimension. Rogue is captured and taken to the Queen of the Swarm. Rogue hooks up with the hive-mind and discovers the Queen’s secret. The two races battle one another for the planet’s resources however both their leaders decided on a manageable war where the survivors receive the resources. Rogue manages to reveal the truth and stop the bloodshed and return home to join the Avengers against Cyclops and Emma Frost.

Rogue and Magneto save a man trapped within a subway car. The man was on his way to tell his lover that he should have been more open within the relationship and not let others dictate what is. Rogue and Magneto kiss and depart ways as the road to who they become diverges. Rogue and Mimic deal with a breakout at the Raft Prison and find closure about themselves afterwards. Collects X-Men Legacy #266-275 $2.99 each