Thursday, April 25, 2013

Talon Vol. 1: Scourge of the Owls HC [2013]



Calvin Rose has escaped from the Court of the Owls however they are trying to get him back. He refused to follow one of their orders to execute a woman and her child. Calvin returns to Gotham after seven long years after hearing the Court of Owls were defeated by Batman during the Night of the Owls. After facing a Talon, Calvin meets Sebastian Clark who wants to eliminate the Court of Owls once and for all.  

Calvin manages to destroy a hotel containing the wealth of the Court of Owls as well as facing a Talon. The Court has decided to wake up a talon from the Tomb of the Unworthy to defeat Calvin. The Talon is Felix Harmon the Gotham Butcher of the 1860s.

The secrets of the Court of Owls are slowly revealed throughout the series as it gets closer to crossing over with the main Batman titles.

- Calvin heads to New York City to make sure Casey and Sarah are safe
- Casey runs and organization to save people from other criminal organizations
- Casey helps Calvin drain the Court’s financial resources however a Talon stops him
- Calvin faces off against the Gotham Butcher who follows him back to Casey’s base
- Calvin and Casey escape however the Gotham Butcher lives to fight another day
- Batman is aware of a civil war between the Court of Owls and a Talon
- Calvin helps destroy Sarah’s father’s legacy and taking it away from the Owls
- CEO John Wycliffe of Sarah’s father’s company is also the Grandmaster of the Owls
- Calvin discovers Sebastian Clark is a former Grandmaster who recruited him years ago
- Sebastian hires Bane who subdues and breaks Calvin's neck

This hardcover collects
Talon #0-7