Michael Bendis relaunches his Powers series
as Deena Pilgrim and her partner investigate a Powers-related murder on a boat.
Meanwhile Christian Walker’s former Captain attempts to recruit him back to the
force. The star to any Brian Michael Bendis work is his writing which brings
his characters to life. You can learn more about how he works in his book Words for Pictures: The Art and Business of
Writing Comics and Graphic Novels.
The first
issue of Ivar, Timewalker follows the eldest brother of Armstrong and the
Eternal Warrior who saves Doctor Neela Sethi from Prometheans from the Fifth
dimension. They travel to the past where Neela bumps into the Eternal Warrior.
They escape again as the Prometheans give chase through a series of timearcs
ending up in Japan
4001 AD the home of Rai. Ivar also meets
Neela for the first time in 4001 AD and we also learn the Master of the
Promethens is a future Neela. Ivar is trying to turn a younger Neela against
her future self. Ivar is the reason people should be reading Valiant comics. Fred
Van Lente is an awesome writer who breathes life into his characters. Read his Taskmaster: Unthinkable mini-series now
collected in trade format.