The Suicide Squad takes on the Justice League and thanks to Killer Frost the heroes are imprisoned by Amanda Waller. She releases them but informs them of the missing prisoners within the Catacombs who were the first Suicide Squad team under Waller.
Justice League #12 serves as a spotlight issue for Maxwell Lord who discovers the Catacombs and a weapon within Belle Reve. Maxwell Lord is determined to use the prisoners within the Catacombs to retrieve the item at Belle Reve.
Suicide Squad #9 reveals the first and last mission of previous Suicide Squad. They are sent to take down a team of Metahumans and eliminate a dictator in the South China Sea with their newest member Cyclotron. They quickly discover the Metahumans were connected to the people and they all died. The Suicide Squad is tempted to use the machine which created the Metahumans. Waller asks Lobo to kill Cyclotron who is a bomb and later they are all taken and imprisoned in the Catacombs.
The Justice League and the Suicide Squad team up against Maxwell Lord and his Suicide Squad. They stop his Suicide Squad however Maxwell Lord opens the vault containing the Eclipso diamond and uses it to control the Justice League to do his bidding. Maxwell Lord takes over the world with the help of his Justice League. Batman creates his own Justice League out of the remaining members of the Suicide Squad. Amanda Waller forces Maxwell Lord to realize what he has done to the world however it is too late as Eclipso arrives to corrupt the world. In Justice League #13 Steve Trevor deals with the outcome of Maxwell Lord’s world domination. Eventually Trevor falls under the influence of Eclipso.
Maxwell Lord takes over the world with the help of his Justice League. Batman creates his own Justice League out of the remaining members of the Suicide Squad. Amanda Waller forces Maxwell Lord to realize what he has done to the world however it is too late as Eclipso arrives to corrupt the world. In Justice League #13 Steve Trevor deals with the outcome of Maxwell Lord’s world domination. Eventually Trevor falls under the influence of Eclipso.
Amanda Waller used sunlight to trap the Heart of Darkness. Batman suggests to Killer Frost to create a prism for Superman to channel his heat vision into sunlight. The world is freed from Ecilpso and Batman asks Waller to release Killer Frost from Task Force X as early parole for saving the world. Batman asks Lobo to join the new Justice League while Waller takes Maxwell Lord for Task Force XI.
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