origin of Timothy Jackson Drake is retold as Mr. Oz questions him. Mr. Oz
leaves as Tim Drake is left alone and sends out a distress signal to Batman who
responds and asks to open his cell. Tim discovers Batman is an alternative
future self the Batman of Tomorrow. They both discover Tim opened other prison
doors including Doomsday who is coming after them. Detective Comics A Lonely Place of Living takes place the same time as the OZ Effect in Action Comics.
The Batman of Tomorrow and Tim Drake escape their prison to Earth 0. The future Tim Drake discovers he has a chance to change things by killing Batwoman. Tim Drake reunites with his fellow Gotham Knights and informs him that the Batman of Tomorrow is targeting Batwoman. The Batman of Tomorrow goes to Wayne Manor to see Alfred and confronts Nightwing, Diamen, and Red Hood. The fight carries down to the Batcave where the Batman of Tomorrow reveals Bruce has been working on Brother Eye program and it is using the Colony Drone Fleet to target Batwoman. Batman and the Gotham Knights stops them and the Batman of Tomorrow returns to his time but warns time of the upcoming actions of Batwoman in Fall of the Batmen.
The Batman of Tomorrow and Tim Drake escape their prison to Earth 0. The future Tim Drake discovers he has a chance to change things by killing Batwoman. Tim Drake reunites with his fellow Gotham Knights and informs him that the Batman of Tomorrow is targeting Batwoman. The Batman of Tomorrow goes to Wayne Manor to see Alfred and confronts Nightwing, Diamen, and Red Hood. The fight carries down to the Batcave where the Batman of Tomorrow reveals Bruce has been working on Brother Eye program and it is using the Colony Drone Fleet to target Batwoman. Batman and the Gotham Knights stops them and the Batman of Tomorrow returns to his time but warns time of the upcoming actions of Batwoman in Fall of the Batmen.
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