years in the future, a mysterious mutant returns to the present to prevent the
death of mutants in the future. Ahab returns to the present as well to kill the
original X-Men but kills Bloodstorm instead while the mysterious mutant murders
Cable and kidnaps Iceman. The mysterious mutant is revealed to be a younger
Cable who returns and kidnaps Angel as Ahab returns and turns the X-Men into
his hounds. The X-Men escape Ahab as X-Force attacks Cable who kidnapped Hank
explains if Ahab kills any of the original X-Men then the future of mutantkind
dies. Ahab attacks and manages to kill Cyclops. However it was Mimic who
disguised himself as Cyclops and Kid Cable convinces the original X-Men to get
back to their own time to stop Ahab. The finale sees the original X-Men back to
their own time and in the present we see Kid Cable sharing a drink with his
father Cyclops.
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