Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chew Volume 4: Flambé TPB [2011] by John Layman | Rob Guillory

Three years ago 23 million people in the United States and 116 million over the world dies from a deadly Avian Flu outbreak leading to the chicken prohibition. However as the alien message appears over the skies, the enforcement of the chicken prohibition does not become a priority as a chicken restaurant Mother Clucker’s opens for business after three years.
Chew is a complex and intertwining story that builds on the previous layers of stories. An imaginary tale heading towards a definite conclusion as we are lead on a journey by writer John Layman and artist Rob Guillory.

FDA Agent Tony Chu teams up with Agent Valenzano to investigate the alien message over the skies while Tony’s twin sister Toni gets promoted at the NASA. They track down FDA agent Daniel Migdalo who is the smartest man as long as he is eating.They find Daniel in a horrific state of obesity as he himself is trying to find what the alien sky-message represents. After attacking Valenzano, Daniel falls to his death and Valenzano gives some of the remains to former FDA Agent Mason Savoy behind Tony Chu’s back.

On board the Fisher-Okroshka International Space Station an explosion occurs at one of the primary labs and the station falls to Earth. Down below a food fight ends in a violent massacre at the Francis Bacon High School where Tony Chu’s daughter Olive attends.The trail leads to a bullied student Peter Pilaf who can make people do thinks by cooking. After Peter is captured, Tony discovers he emailed a recipe to the space station resulting in the explosion however he denies it. We discover someone has escaped the space station explosion and landed in Northern Siberia carrying a Gallsaberry which is grown in space to the mysterious cibopath with vampire teeth.

Eighteen months ago a cloak and dagger assignment in North Korea ended with the death of an operative. General Jontongjoo Head of the Bioweapons Division is trying to develop a chemical weapon to mimic the Avian Flu. Eighteen months later the USDA plan to assassinate the General and their fail-safe is Agents Chu and Colby who have a secret weapon. The assassinate attempts fail and Tony is ordered to press the button and release the mysterious secret weapon which happens to be a chicken called Poyo. The General shoots and kills Poyo however not before Poyo rips his heart out.

Applebee gets Agents Tony Chu a new partner in NASA Special Agent Antonelle Chu who is also his sister. Together they travel to Area 51 to investigate the fallen space station and track down a meteoricist who is making special bullets out of meteors for the terrorist organization E.G.G.


Former FDA Agent Mason Savoy tasted a drop of Daniel Migdalo’s blood and saw various visions of how his abilities have a cosmic purpose. Four days later the sky writings have vanished as FDA Agents Chu and Colby investigate undercover an egg worshipping cult and their leader Sister Alani Adobo who predicted the day and minute of the sky writings. There they retrieve the book of alien writings however all the members were died after drinking tainted Kool-Aid.
We discover Sister Alani Adobo was a file clerk on the island of Yamapalu who ingested Gallsaberries for 40 days. After the final bite she saw the alien sky writings appear. Meanwhile Mason Savoy kidnaps Chu’s daughter to join his ranks.