Thursday, June 9, 2011

Devil Comics Review | Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom [2010-2011] by Joe Hill

During Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows, Dodge made a desperate move to gain the key to the Black Door. After his shadows were defeated by Tyler, the Omega key which opens the Black Door was found within the urn of his father Rendell Locke. Now Bode has found the Animal Key with the frozen bird bath, which allows him to inhibit and control a pack of animals. Bode begins with inhibiting and directing a flock of birds.

Meanwhile Zack discovers Bode has found the Animal Key and inhibits the body of a black wolf controlling a pack of dogs. He uses them to control and attack Tyler and Kinsey in the woods. However Bode arrives with his flock of birds in attack formation to save his brother and sister. Dodge retreats and reforms back to Zack as Bode follows suit shortly after through the doorway with the Animal Key.

Later Mrs. Erin Voss whose name was on the Drowning Cave mistakes both Tyler and Zack as being Rendell Locke and Dodge, respectively. Dodge believed he erased the memories from Mrs. Voss however she still remembers both Rendell Locke and him. Dodge wants to enter the McClellan Psychatric Hospital with the Anywhere Key however he needs to visualize where he is going. Kinsey also wants to talk to Mrs. Voss however she is afraid of white people. Bode offers Kinsey the Mirror Key used by Dodge to change her appearance.

Following this hardcover there will only be 12 issues left until the finale of Lock & Key. Writer Joe Hill seems to add lots of exposition to his writing to expand the characters however he also leaves clues for readers to engage the story.

- Dodge uses two janitors to take a picture Mrs. Voss’ room so he can use the Anywhere Key
- Both Bode and Kinsey change their appearance to enter the McClellan Hospital
- Dodge uses the Anywhere Key to enter Mrs. Voss hospital room and kills both janitors
- Kinsey arrives ready to use the Head Key on Mrs. Voss to find out about her father
- Everything is white and blank inside her head except for the names Dodge and Rendell
- Dodge makes another attempt to find the Omega Key by controlling plants

- Bode finds extra keys within a book
- Both Bode and Kinsey use the key for personal satisfaction with their friends
- Both Tyler and Kinsey are having relationship issues with their respective friends
- Tyler uses one of the keys to make him stronger to play hockey and win
- Sam Lesser visits Rufus who is staying over and playing soldier with Bode
- Sam brings Rufus to the Chamber of the Living Shadows and asks him to kill Zack Wells
- Sam reveals Zack Wells is infected with someone evil and must be removed
- Kinsey tells Zack she will share the secret of the location of the Omega Key once she finds out
- Brian wakes up from his coma and reveals to Duncan about the kid with the gun Zack

- Tyler visits Brian in the hospital and discovers from Duncan the kid who attack him had a lip ring
- Tyler figures out the attacks on the Dark Lady coincide with Zack doing his research paper
- Tyler discovers a jar full of memories stolen from other people in Zack’s room
- Zack freezes Tyler with the music box and forces him to reveal the location of the Omega Key
- Detective Mutuku investigates the death of professor Joe Ridgeway as well as Ellie’s mother
- Detective Mutuku arrives at Ellie’s home as Tyler is frozen upstairs
- Zack slashs Detective Mutuku and kills Ellie but Mutuku fights back while Bode is a hostage
- Zack takes Bode to Sam Lesser so he inhibits the body of Zack while Zack moves into Bode

- Kinsey arrives and kills Sam who is in Zack’s body as Dodge is on the loose within Bode