Thursday, July 7, 2011

Red Hulk: Planet Red Hulk TPB [2011]

Following the events of World War Hulk, General Thunderbolt Ross took it upon himself to become what he truly hates: A Hulk. Now under the guide of Bruce Banner, Ross redeems himself for the suffering he has caused in the past. Writer Jeff Parker is setting up Red Hulk’s rogue gallery following his redemption arc Scorched Earth. Parker took the ridiculous concepts brought by Jeph Loeb and makes it credible.

An Air Force command center airship called the Thunderbolt launches two missiles against the Red Hulk since he is vulnerable when he jumps from one point to another. General Reginald Fortean wants the Red Hulk to surrender for killing General Thunderbolt Ross. The next day General Fortean faces the Red Hulk wearing a Redeemer Armor, the same armor General Ross wore before he was ‘killed’ by the Red Hulk. General Fortean injects the Red Hulk with micromines which he will be able to track when Ross turns back to human form. However the micromines are designed to kill Ross when he changes back.

Jeff Parker called this issue “The Whale” to describe the relationship between former General Thunderbolt Ross and his replacement General Fortean. Now the shoe is on the other foot as Ross now has become Moby Dick instead of Ahab. General Fortean is a formidable opponent as he believes he is doing the right thing to avenge the death of his former mentor.

The Red Hulk cannot sleep due to the micromines inside of him otherwise he will die by reverting back Ross. General Fortean attacks again with one decoy missile whilethe other missile was targeted for a land attack which constructed rock-like humanoids against the Red Hulk.
Following the opening scenes from Scorched Earth, Dr. Parul Kurinji has been transformed into a hybrid state of human and machine calling herself Zero/One. Zero/One retrieves her assistant Jacob Feinman and plans on eradicating their enemies to make way for the future starting with the Red Hulk.

Meanwhile Omegex heads towards the Earth searching for the Red Hulk who touched the Watcher Uatu. The Watcher indirectly created the Omegex after being punched by the Red Hulk with the Red Hole of Dargalla.

The Red Hulk stops a tornado from destroying a shelter and protecting the citizenswithin. Before public opinion turns for the Red Hulk, General Fortean is setting up his plans to destroy him. Meanwhile Zero/One heads towards Hyderabad, India with her assistant Jacob Feinman searching for a killer called the Black Fog. Zero/One frees Black Fog from prison and takes him back upgrading him with one mission: Hunt and Kill Red Hulk.

The Red Hulk cannot sleep as General Fortean placed micromines inside of him to activate when he turns back to Ross. Zero/One sends Black Fog to track and kill him. Omegex battles an alien race on his way to Earth. Red Hulk’s rogue gallery grows as General Fortean, Zero/One, Black Fog, and Omegex close in for the kill. Both General Fortean and Zero/One are taking each failure as a lesson to improve the odds to learn what works and what doesn’t to destroy the Red Hulk.
Life Model Decoys Annie, Gus, and Chuck discover how to get the micromines out of the Red Hulk. As Black Fog arrives and takes out both Gus and Chuck however Gus manages to give Red Hulk a serum allowing him to sleep without reverting back to Ross. After finally getting some rest after two months, Commander Steve Rogers sends the Red Hulk into space setting up the stage for Planet Red Hulk.

Commander Steve Rogers sent Red Hulk to retrieve a marooned Russian spacecraft, which took him and the spacecraft through a slipstream vortex. Red Hulk gets himself marooned on a planet and battles the native king. After Red Hulk wins the battle, the natives made him their new king. Later Red Hulk makes a surprise attack on the other natives and defeats their king too. He takes the shuttleback through the slipstream vortex and meets a watcher who warns him of Omegex the destroyer of species.

The next-level incarnation of M.O.D.O.K purchased some black market weaponry the organization once known as H.A.M.M.E.R. which he uses to upgrade ZZZAX. The Red Hulk turns the tables on M.O.D.O.K as he once controlled ZZZAX to take down the Hulk. M.O.D.O.K retreats as Red Hulk reminds his LMD Annie that M.O.D.O.K will return.

This trade paperback collects
Hulk #31-36
Hulk #30.1