Monday, July 2, 2012

Absolute Green Lantern Reading Guide [1994-2011]

Following the 2011 Green Lantern film by Ryan Reynolds many fans wondered where would one begin reading Green Lantern comics which consists of nearly 52 years of continuity? The Silver Age Green Lantern Hal Jordan first appeared in the pages of Showcase #22 (October 1959) however the foundation of the mythos began in 1994 with Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight.

DC Comics began overhauling their characters in the early 1990s starting with the Death of Superman and Batman: Knightfall. Superman faced his end with Doomsday while Batman was broken by the villain Bane. Green Lantern’s hometown of Coast City was destroyed within the Reign of Superman storyline pushing Hal Jordan over the edge in Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight. Both Superman and Batman faced external physical traumas compared to Green Lantern Hal Jordan who lost to the fear entity of Parallax. Hal was replaced by a younger inexperienced hero in the form of Kyle Rayner.

REBIRTH (2005)
Hal Jordan would return 10 years later within six-issue Green Lantern: Rebirth. The series re-established both Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner as Green Lanterns as well as other aspects of the Green Lantern mythos including Carol Ferris, Coast City, Green Lantern Corps, and Sinestro. New aspects of the mythos are introduced as the entity of fear Parallax is explained thereby setting the foundation for the other Lantern Corps. Also the subplot of Black Hand is introduced leading to him to become the first Black Lantern. Green Lantern architect and writer Geoff Johns sets the base for Green Lantern within the comics as well as the 2011 feature film.


The storyline pays homage to both the Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) and serves as a sequel to Infinite Crisis (2006) as it brings back the Anti-Monitor and releases the imprisoned Superboy-Prime. Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars begins the second part of Geoff Johns trilogy of Green Lantern. Sinestro forms his own Corps in the Anti-Matter Universe to instill fear within the Guardians of the Universe to change the Green Lantern laws to prepare them for the Blackest Night. The other Lantern Corps are introduced as the Anti-Monitor unknowingly becomes the entity of death and the Black Lantern is born.


The origin of Hal Jordan is revised as Abin Sur crashes to with his prisoner Atrocitus of the Five Inversions. The Five Inversions is a terrorist cell bent on the destruction of the Guardians of the Universe following the massacre of their Sector 666. Green Lantern: Secret Origin is one of the prelude stories to the Blackest Night as Atrocitus searches for William Hand who has the power to destroy the Guardians of the Universe. Hal Jordan and Sinestro team-up to take him down and face disciplinary actions from the Guardians of the Universe.

Multiple Lantern Corps as well as their homeworlds are introduced within Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns. Atrocitus who was imprisoned by Sinestro following Green Lantern: Secret Origins has now become a Red Lantern. The search of the Anti-Monitor corpse continues as the Red Lanterns take Sinestro back to their Planet Ysmault for punishment. Blue Lantern Saint Walker and the Blue Lantern homeworld of Odym are introduced as he teams up with Hal Jordan to rescue Sinestro from the Red Lanterns.

While attempting to rescue Sinestro, Hal Jordan briefly becomes a member of the Red Lantern Corps before finally splitting into both a Green and Blue Lantern. Meanwhile on the Planet Zamaron home of the Star Sapphires, Fatality has been converted from the Sinestro Corps to a member of the Star Sapphires. While on the Planet Okaara is briefly introduced within the Vega System leading to the Agent Orange storyline.

Green Lantern: Agent Orange is the final prelude to the Blackest Night as the Controllers arrives on the Planet Okaara seeking the Orange Light of Avarice. However the power belongs to Agent Orange Lafleeze who had a secret pact with the Guardians in the past. While in the present the Guardians provides Lafleeze with the location of the homeworld of the Blue Lanterns Odym so he can obtain a Blue Ring. The War of Light erupts across the universe as the Blackest Night approaches.

Writer Geoff Johns patiently set up new aspects within the Green Lantern mythos beginning within Green Lantern: Rebirth and culminating with Blackest Night. It is the final part of his trilogy of establishing Hal Jordan as Green Lantern. William Hand who played a minor role in Green Lantern: Rebirth becomes the first Black Lantern. Nekron Lord of the Dead is reintroduced as the true Guardian of the Universe. The storyline explores the origin of life and emotions leading to the discovery of the White Lantern and the beginning of the Brightest Day.

Following Blackest Night, the various Lantern leaders unite on Earth to find the Entities that empower their respective Corps. A secret pact is revealed between Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Red Lantern Atrocitus, and Guardian Ganthlet leading them on separate missions to find out who is collecting the Entities. The trail directed them to the former Guardian Krona who has been collecting the Entities for a specific purpose. The concluding events in Green Lantern: Brightest Day leads directly into War of the Green Lanterns.

The crossover event unites all the Green Lantern titles together before the September 2011 relaunch. Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns storyline refocuses the attention from the other Lantern Corps back to the Green Lanterns specifically focusing on Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner. The former Guardian Krona who was responsible for the malfunctioning of the Manhunters has now control over the Green Lantern Corps and used the Guardians of the Universe as hosts for the Entities. Hal, Guy, John, and Kyle fight back using other Lantern rings besides their own Green Lantern rings, which was under the control of Krona. The consequences of their actions leads to the death of a Green Lantern. The finale leads to the showdown between the Green Lantern Corps and Krona with his Entity-Controlled Guardians of the Universe.

All the stories for the past few years build a comprehensive rich mythology with characters and events building a history to solidify themselves within the DC Universe. These stories justify brand new #1 issues of Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, as well as new series expanding the Green Universe within Green Lantern: New Guardians, and Red Lanterns.

Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight/New Dawn TPB
Green Lantern: Rebirth TPB
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War TPB
Green Lantern: Secret Origin TPB
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns TPB
Green Lantern: Agent Orange TPB
Blackest Night: Green Lantern TPB
Blackest Night TPB
Green Lantern: Brightest Day TPB
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns TPB