is plotting against the Father after discovering he killed his mother by
uniting the Positrons and the Raddies. A free-willed Positron Momo tracks down
Izak to bring Japan crashing back to Earth. Izak who was descended from an
alien race merged with Father’s Livewire to become something new. Momo reveals
her origins from the Positronic Birthing Headquarters giving Izak a common
enemy and a reason to bring Japan down to Earth. We discover Momo used to be a
man before her human companion changed her for his own purposes.
heads towards Earth to find Rai VIII and bring him back to New Japan. Lula gets
her Positronic companion to help her make a bomb to break into a secret
entrance below Japan leading them to a hidden Geomancer. Rai and Rai VIII unite
against the Father who unleashes Rai XI. Rai XI throws Rai off of New Japan and
hurls him to Earth. Writer Matt Kindt over the two arcs of Rai has been
world-building the Valiant Universe in 4001. The clues of the future will
eventually lead to where the past Valiant heroes ended up. We know Livewire is
used by the Father of Japan. Rai is a descendent of Bloodshot. And Spylocke
must have a connection to Ninjak especially with Dr. Silk still alive.
Hopefully these clues will be revealed in future issues of the series.