DC Universe and
Looney Tunes Six One Shots
Hex/Yosemite Sam
of Super-Heroes/Bugs Bunny
Manhunter/Marvin the Martian
Woman/Tasmanian Devil
selling point of these stories are the artists of the books. You have Lee Weeks
(Daredevil) Mark Texeira (Ghost Rider) Tom Grummett (Superman) Kelley Jones
(Batman) and Barry Kitson (Superman). Most likely this is an experiment similar
to what is happening to Archie Comics where the cartoon versions are pushed
aside for a more realistic version of the characters.
Marvel Comics Solicitations Marvel Comics continues its summer event with Secret Empire and its 16 tie-ins. Before Spider-Man: Homecoming is released in July, Marvel releases Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man by Adam Kubert and Edge of Venomverse. Just before the Netflix Defender, Marvel releases the Defenders series under Brian Michael Bendis. The Ultimate Thor arrives in The Mighty Thor #20.

Archie Comics brings the 3-part Over the Edge where one of Riverdale's residents loses his or her life in Archie #20.
Valiant brings Rai: The History of the Valiant Universe #1 revealing the history of the Valiant universe from the past and into the future. Valiant is doing preorder set consisting of several issues of a series. They did it before with the first three issues of the new X-O Manowar series. Now they are doing it with X-O Manowar #4 through 9 and taking advantage of the advanced marketing that took place. Now they are doing it with the new Secret Weapons series. This builds a partnership between the publishers and the retailers to create sustainability and value to the customers. . Valiant has put substantial premarketing into its series by establishing buy-in from the retailers and customers. Much like what Marvel is doing with its upcoming Secret Empire series.
Marvel Comics Solicitations Marvel Comics continues its summer event with Secret Empire and its 16 tie-ins. Before Spider-Man: Homecoming is released in July, Marvel releases Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man by Adam Kubert and Edge of Venomverse. Just before the Netflix Defender, Marvel releases the Defenders series under Brian Michael Bendis. The Ultimate Thor arrives in The Mighty Thor #20.

Archie Comics brings the 3-part Over the Edge where one of Riverdale's residents loses his or her life in Archie #20.
Valiant brings Rai: The History of the Valiant Universe #1 revealing the history of the Valiant universe from the past and into the future. Valiant is doing preorder set consisting of several issues of a series. They did it before with the first three issues of the new X-O Manowar series. Now they are doing it with X-O Manowar #4 through 9 and taking advantage of the advanced marketing that took place. Now they are doing it with the new Secret Weapons series. This builds a partnership between the publishers and the retailers to create sustainability and value to the customers. . Valiant has put substantial premarketing into its series by establishing buy-in from the retailers and customers. Much like what Marvel is doing with its upcoming Secret Empire series.