Barry Allen returns from the Speed Force with
the help of Cisco to defeat adversaries gathered by the Thinker. These twelve new Metahumans
were created when Barry returned from the Speed Force. Wally West leaves
Central City. One of the Metahumans on the bus is Ralph Dibny the Elongated Man. Cisco deals with Gypsy's father Breacher who is targeting the Elongated Man on the account his species destroyed his planet in the multiverse. Barry discovers the link between the Elongated Man and Clifford Devoe AKA the Thinker.
Killer Frost confronts her former boss Amunet Black who wants her back. The Elongated Man and the Flash take on Black Bison. Later Barry and Joe West confront Clifford Devoe before his transformation into the Thinker. Devoe reveals himself to the Flash as he was born on the same day as him.
After Barry and Iris are married, Devoe creates a plan where his consciousness is transferred to a new Metahuman called Brainstorm so he can frame Barry for his own murder. The trial of Barry Allen is held and he is found guilty and sentenced to Iron Heights in the same cell his father Henry Allen stayed for years.
Killer Frost confronts her former boss Amunet Black who wants her back. The Elongated Man and the Flash take on Black Bison. Later Barry and Joe West confront Clifford Devoe before his transformation into the Thinker. Devoe reveals himself to the Flash as he was born on the same day as him.
After Barry and Iris are married, Devoe creates a plan where his consciousness is transferred to a new Metahuman called Brainstorm so he can frame Barry for his own murder. The trial of Barry Allen is held and he is found guilty and sentenced to Iron Heights in the same cell his father Henry Allen stayed for years.
The Elongated Man takes on
Trickster and his mother while Barry adjusts to life in prison. Cisco and Ralph
are both shrunk down due to a Metahuman but the Flash team stops him. Barry’s
identity is revealed to the Iron Heights Warden Wolfe who sells him and the
other Metahumans to Blacksmith. Barry engineers an escape with the other
Metahumans however the Thinker arrives and takes their powers before killing
them. Barry is released from prison thanks to Ralph disguising himself as DeVoe
but the Flash team discovers Ralph is next on his list. Later Devoe absorbs the powers of another Metahuman the Fiddler.
A new Metahuman called Melting Point takes away powers or transfers them causing Barry to transfer his powers to Iris who becomes a temporary speedster. Melting Point returns Barry's powers back and joins the Flash team against Devoe. The Flash Team finds another Metahuman Devoe is targeting and takes them back to Star Labs as Devoe attacks takes his powers as well as Ralph Dibney. The Thinker's plan was to have the Flash Team train Ralph Dibney and take his body so he can change and morph his body into original self.
Flash and Cisco recruit Captain Cold from Earth X to transport Fallout away from the Thinker. Banshee from Earth X follows which throws the Thinker's plan off course leading to Fallout to be transported to Argus. The Flash teams up with Gypsy to stop the Thinker's plan which involves reducing the intelligence of everyone on Earth. Meanwhile the Thinker's wife leaves him.
The Flash Team searches for Amunet Black whose real name is Leslie Jocoy to help Killer Frost return and stop the Thinker. Harry and Cisco consult with the Council of Harrisons to help Harry with losing his intelligence. The Thinker succeeds in activating the his plan of reducing the intelligence of everyone on Earth so he will be their master. However the Iris convinces the Thinker's wife to stop him by sending Barry Allen into the Thinker's mind and save Clifford Devoe.
The Flash finds Ralph Dibny in the Thinker's mind and Clifford Devoe dead. Together they stop the Thinker but he manages to cause an extinction level event by crashing satellite into Central City. Flash gets help from another unknown speedster and heads home only to discover the speedster is his own daughter Nora Allen-West, who may have done something to the timeline in the future similar to her father's Flashpoint.
A new Metahuman called Melting Point takes away powers or transfers them causing Barry to transfer his powers to Iris who becomes a temporary speedster. Melting Point returns Barry's powers back and joins the Flash team against Devoe. The Flash Team finds another Metahuman Devoe is targeting and takes them back to Star Labs as Devoe attacks takes his powers as well as Ralph Dibney. The Thinker's plan was to have the Flash Team train Ralph Dibney and take his body so he can change and morph his body into original self.
Flash and Cisco recruit Captain Cold from Earth X to transport Fallout away from the Thinker. Banshee from Earth X follows which throws the Thinker's plan off course leading to Fallout to be transported to Argus. The Flash teams up with Gypsy to stop the Thinker's plan which involves reducing the intelligence of everyone on Earth. Meanwhile the Thinker's wife leaves him.
The Flash Team searches for Amunet Black whose real name is Leslie Jocoy to help Killer Frost return and stop the Thinker. Harry and Cisco consult with the Council of Harrisons to help Harry with losing his intelligence. The Thinker succeeds in activating the his plan of reducing the intelligence of everyone on Earth so he will be their master. However the Iris convinces the Thinker's wife to stop him by sending Barry Allen into the Thinker's mind and save Clifford Devoe.
The Flash finds Ralph Dibny in the Thinker's mind and Clifford Devoe dead. Together they stop the Thinker but he manages to cause an extinction level event by crashing satellite into Central City. Flash gets help from another unknown speedster and heads home only to discover the speedster is his own daughter Nora Allen-West, who may have done something to the timeline in the future similar to her father's Flashpoint.
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