Thursday, May 26, 2011

Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns HC [2011] by Geoff Johns

The War of the Green Lanterns builds on the foundations of Brightest Day as well as Green Lantern, Emerald Warriors, and Green Lantern Corps. Guy Gardner travels to the unknown sectors to discover someone with the ability of controlling Green Lanterns. Kyle Rayner and John Stewart head to Qward to rescue a fellow Green Lantern from the Weaponeer however the finale concluded with him joining the Sinestro Corps.

On Earth Hal Jordan and the other various Corps leaders form the New Guardians locate the other Entities on Earth however run into Krona who has been collecting them for an unknown purpose. The New Guardians pursue Krona which leads them to the Planet Ryut in the lost sector. There they find the Book of the Black which reveals the history of Krona and future of the Green Lanterns.

- Carol Ferris returns from Zamaron after the battle with Hawkworld
- Sinestro returns from Qward after enticing the Weaponeer to join his Corps
- Krona is responsible for the malfunctioning Manhunters that killed billions
- The Book of the Black also reveals that there will only be three Green Lanterns of Earth left
- The Guardians of the Universe send other Green Lanterns to assert Hal Jordan

- On Ryut the keeper of the Book of the Black Lyssa Drak traps the New Guardians
- Both Sinestro and Hal Jordan combine their strengths to eliminate Lyssa Dark
- The New Guardians disappear along with the Book of the Black leaving Hal alone
- Krona returns to Oa using the Guardians as hosts for his Entities except for Parallax
- Parallax is placed back into the Central Power Battery thereby controlling the Corps
- Krona plans on controlling the Green Lantern Corps like he did the Manhunters
- The Alpha-Lanterns are deactivated due to the impurity of Parallax
- John Stewart and Kyle Rayner are manipulated so Ganthet removes their rings
- Ganthet loses his hand and stands alone against an army of Green Lanterns
- Both Kilowog and Arisia are affected Parallax who is inside the central battery on Oa
- Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner discover those affected by Parallax before developed immunity
- Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan take off their rings to prevent Krona from controlling them
- Hal and Guy take the Interceptor to Oa to meet up with Kyle and John Stewart
- Hal, Guy, Kyle, and John Stewart choose other Corps rings to take on Krona
- Hal Jordan who was once Parallax has joined the Sinestro Corps
- Guy Gardner has returned to the Red Lantern Corps
- Kyle Rayner becomes a Blue Lantern while John Stewart joins the Indigo Tribe
- The Crayola Cavalry reaches Ganthet as he takes on an army of Green Lanterns
- Mogo arrives on Oa to battle both Ganthet and the Crayola Cavalry
- The Crayola Cavalry travel below Oa to escape the Mogo and target the Central Battery
- They discover the Guardians hidden secrets and Krona’s Gauntlet
- John Stewart and Kyle Rayner decide to take down the Planet Mogo
- Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner head for the Central Battery to remove Parallax
- Both Hal and Guy are surrounded by the Guardians who are possessed by the Entities
- Krona wants Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner to be the New Guardians of the Universe
- Mogo is building Krona an army as both Kyle and John Stewart head towards his core
- John Stewart absorbs the Black Lantern energy within and destroys Mogo
- While debris of Mogo hit Oa, both Hal and Guy escape with the Book of the Black and Ganthet
- The Crayola Cavalry use all the powers of the emotional spectrum to remove Parallax
- Guy uses both the Star Sapphire and Red Lantern rings to break Parallax out of the battery
- Kyle uses his Blue Lantern ring to remove the Red Lantern impurities within Guy Gardner
- The Green Lantern Corps are freed to take on both Krona and his Entities

This hardcover collects

GreenLantern #63-66
GreenLantern Corps #58-60
GreenLantern Emerald Warriors #8-10